Welcome to little Austin Dale's page. We are very excited to announce the upcoming arrival of our son around March 8, 2001. We have been waiting for this occasion for a very long time!! We hope, in the coming months, to share ultrasound pictures and announce milestones as the little one progresses. Please check back often.

(Revised 10/17/00)

10 week update

Momma and baby are doing pretty good. We began our 10 weeks on Thursday 8/10/00 and we are getting closer to the second trimester. Starting at around 8 weeks, I started getting sick around supper time. I cannot cook meat anymore and the house work is still waiting for me. I've heard the magic number is 12 weeks and it should start getting better!! I've been VERY VERY tired. I usually take a two hour nap each day and then I'm asleep for the night at 9:30. I've been living on pizza and cereal lately. Other than that - everything is going great! We should hear the heartbeat at our next doctor visit on Tues. 8/15/00. And then find out the sex in the middle of October! I have a feeling it's a boy - but only God knows right now.

Doctor visit update: We heard the heartbeat, loud and strong. We didn't find out how fast the hb was, because I started getting all teary eyed and the doctor turned off the machine. Visit was fast and no problems noted.

13 week update: Momma is still sick at night. I'm getting really tired of eatting Frosted Mini Wheats every single evening (only thing I can stomach). I haven't been able to take my prenatals either. But baby is growing and all is well. Next month we will hopefully find out pink or blue!!

17 week update: We are doing much better now. Morning sickness is almost a distant memory. It got better around 15 weeks. I still get a little bit of nausea every so often. I'm up 8lb so far - and 6lb was just in the month of September! YIKES! We went to the doctor at 16 weeks and the heartbeat was around 145. For some reason, I'm still having a hard time swallowing pills. I've been very bad at taking my prenatals still. They've been making me so sick. The BIG news is - the ultrasound is scheduled for October 17!!!!! Mark your calendars ladies and gentlemen. Hopefully we will find out if it's a Kaylee or Austin. Last week I gave blood for an AFP test (for down syndrom and spinal problems). Hopefully I will find out the results soon. I'm not sure if I've felt the baby move or not, yet. I feel "things" all the time. That is all for now.

18 week update: We got the AFP blood results back this week and everything looked a-okay!! Quite a relief! The test is not 100% accurate - but we will take what we can get. This week, momma has began feeling MOVEMENT!! This little one is very, very active. I can mostly feel it when I'm laying down on my side. But lately I even feel it when I'm sitting very still. I think it feels more like a bubble popping or tiny kicks rather than a fluttering feeling. But, it is such a relief to feel this child alive and doing well. Nausea is finally gone!! Pregnancy is really a joy now and I'm getting bigger and bigger every single day. I'm up about 10-11 pounds so far. Ultrasound in 1 week!!! Also, more pictures are on the way!

20 week update: We had our ultrasound today. Little Austin had the hiccups. And he did not want to show his face. Each time we would try to look at it, he would cover his face up with his hands. His heart rate is at 149 bpm (normal!). He was moving all over the place and kicking his poor momma. The ultrasound had my due date at 3/2/01 and my official due date is at 3/8/01. We are not changing it, but atleast Austin is growing well and healthy!!! The only scary thing we found out was that the cord is around his neck. He is still small enough that he could wiggle out of it. I read that 1 in 5 babies have this happen to them. The doctor did not seem worried about it what-so-ever. So we will count our many blessings. I'm up almost 15 lbs now and love to eat!! Next appt in 5 weeks.

Thanks for checking in!

The baby is the blackness. I believe the actual blackness is the "gestational sac" and the baby *might* be in the bottom towards the middle or at the top??? It is hard to tell when the baby is only 4 weeks old. We saw the little heart beating at 112 beats/minute. My due date has been moved from 3/7/01 to 3/8/01. The Ultrasound tech said our baby was smaller than a flea.
20 week ultrasound

The first picture is of the legs, knees, and feet. The knees and feet are touching together.

The second pic is an *almost* full body shot. You can see the spine, knees, belly, and a little bit of the head.

The third is of the elbow and the fingers touching his face. Austin did not want us to see his beautiful little face.

And the fourth - is Austin *not being shy*. This is his "little boy" snap shot. You can see his legs spread apart - and you guessed it!!!!

Here we are at 9 1/2 weeks along. I'm getting bigger by the day....

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